How Does Cloud Migration Work?
The process of moving or migrating a company’s data, services, and applications from on-premises to the cloud is known as cloud migration. Essentially, it stores information in a location where it can be retrieved instantly and from anywhere.The objective of cloud migration is to make it easier for businesses to operate while also lowering capital expenditures and operational costs. Furthermore, many businesses pursue cloud migration because of its dynamic scalability capabilities and resource allocation advantages.

Cloud migration isn’t one specific thing. A migration to the cloud could mean any of the following:

SaaS Integration: Software as a service (SaaS) allows users to connect to and use cloud-based apps over the Internet. Common examples are email, calendaring and office tools (such as
Microsoft Office 365).
IaaS Integration: Iaas stands for “Infrastructure as a Service” and is the most basic form of cloud integration. Companies are able to do whatever they want using the infrastructure and raw resources of the system — from creating backups to storing data.
PaaS Integration: PaaS stands for “Platform as a Service,” which is a step up from IaaS. It has the resources and tools that one finds with IaaS but includes the ability to build apps as well.
Migration to the cloud isn’t something that happens overnight — you have to prioritize what data needs to be moved to the cloud first. This is a lengthy discussion, as the pros and cons of each move have to be discussed. A few things to consider include:
Any downtime during the move;
When the fewest people will be impacted;
Health of the apps and/or data
Cloud migration does not have to be difficult, though it does have to take some time to be done correctly. Working with a reputable cloud migration service can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the process, however. If you are interested in cloud migration services, Schedule a call with us today to find out more information.